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Important Plumbing Tips To Protect Your Home From COVID-19


During these difficult times, Gallegos Plumbing understands your thoughts and concerns with the spread of COVID-19 and how we are providing our professional plumbing services for this situation. We want to ensure that you understand we are doing everything in our power to closely monitor the ordeal, and we strive to provide continued trust with our customers. We are practicing extra safety precautions to maintain a healthy and safe environment for both our technicians and our customers. Read on to learn more about plumbing services as well as COVID-19 threat, and the safety measures we have implemented in order to ensure that we are all protected.

COVID-19 Plumbing Tips to Protect Your Home

How Gallegos Plumbing Has Implemented Safety Precautions to Protect against the Spread of COVID-19

Effective immediately, Gallegos Plumbing has implemented special safety precautions to protect against the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Here’s a short list of practices we have taken on swiftly to ensure the safety of both our customers and our team:

  • During every home visit, our technicians will wear gloves, face masks, and shoe protectors.
  • We are following Federal government guidelines such as social distancing and maintaining a 6-feet distance between all persons.
  • Our sanitation practices have been boosted – every technician will have their own sanitizing gear for their tools, trucks, and themselves both during and between each home visit.
  • Our estimates will be done via video conference, and whenever possible, we will conduct troubleshooting and measuring services outside of the home.
  • We are prioritizing the elderly, and the immune system compromised customers first.

At Gallegos Plumbing, we understand the large amount of trust you are placing in our hands during this time of crisis. We are not taking this lightly, and we want to ensure that you feel 100% safe and comfortable during our visits. Call us today at (805) 243-2622 to learn more about the practices we have implemented to ensure your safety.

Is It Possible For COVID-19 To Spread Through Drain and Sewage Systems

The coronavirus is transferred through the air or by touching things that an infectious person may have coughed or sneezed on/been in contact with. COVID-19 has not been found in water. There has been no evidence that supports the transmission of COVID-19 through drinking water systems – disinfection and filtration methods are sufficient for removing or deactivating the virus.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also found no evidence that links the coronavirus transmission through sewage. The risk of this type of transmission is thought to be very low. Research suggests that the process of chlorination in municipal wastewater can deactivate coronaviruses. So far, there have been zero reported cases of coronavirus transmission in spas, pools, hot tubs, and even waterparks. The CDC still recommends that these water sources should be properly maintained and to utilize disinfection methods like chlorine regularly.

Gallegos Plumbing Flushing And Toilet Maintenance Tips

There are certain precautions and measures that you can take to avoid needing professional plumbing services in your home, even though Gallegos Plumbing is still open during the COVID-19 outbreak. For example, while disinfecting your toilet, you should not throw disinfectant wipes in your toilet. These wipes are composed of plastics and nylon that won’t break apart the way that toilet paper does. In fact, a recent warning was issued by the California State Water Resources Control, stating that flushing disinfectant wipes can cause overflows and backups at sewage treatment plants (which costs millions of dollars to fix annually).

Wipes should go in the trash, and you should not flush items such as feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, paper towels, cat litter, cotton balls, or hair. Even if wipes are labeled as flushable, it’s inability to break down like toilet paper can cause a plumbing disaster. For all plumbing questions, call Gallegos Plumbing today at (805) 243-2622 and talk to one of our friendly professionals.

Additional Information And Resources From Gallegos Plumbing

The following additional information provided by Gallegos Plumbing will help ensure that you have the proper tools up your sleeve to protect you and your loved ones during the COVID-19 outbreak. Along with plumbing measures we also recommed the anti-microbial paint for the walls for proper sanitization. Check out these top three helpful resources for your at-home plumbing needs:

  1. Unclogging A Drain Pipe: Our instructions on drain cleaning will help you learn the professional way to use a plunger, household products, and store-bought chemical drain cleaners to help with clogs. It will also teach you how to utilize baking soda + vinegar/lemon juice/salt and other household items to help remedy a clog. You’ll learn the warning signs of serious sewer line clog to understand when it is best to call professional plumbers.
  2. Disinfectant Wipes: Learn why it’s not safe to dispose of and flush disinfectant wipes as we mentioned before – also learn about the negative impacts it can have on sewer systems and plants.
  3. Proper Sanitization And Cleaning: Learn about the importance of sanitization and cleaning, as well as how to properly fix your clogged toilets, sinks, faucets, garbage disposal, and drains to protect yourself from the coronavirus as well as other illness-causing bacteria caused by clogs.

Remember, our line is always open to questions and concerns you may have about not only plumbing issues but what we are doing to keep our team and our customers safe from the potential spread of the coronavirus. Contact us today so we can help you figure out your best plumbing options and how we can further assist you.

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